
The Dotted Line

Australian Government

Despite cosmetic surgery being continually more normalised in Australia, there’s very little regulation surrounding it. Currently, any medical doctor can perform cosmetic surgery without any formal surgical training. To make matters worse, people are turning to social media for information rather than credible sources, resulting in patients being disappointed with their results at best, and permanently scarred at worst.

The Australian Government have agreed to urgent reforms to protect the public. But policy takes time. So we created our own social content prompting those considering cosmetic surgery to more closely examine exactly what they’re signing up for using credible sources. Importantly, our job was not to encourage nor demonise cosmetic surgery, but to invite those considering it to reflect on their decisions and make the safest choice.

Our two campaign films tap into highly conceptual beauty aesthetics relevant to our target audience, taking them across stunning body-scapes as markings trail across them.

In cosmetic surgery, the markings made on the skin are akin to a contract; it’s an agreement between patient and practitioner about the work that is to be undertaken. And as with any contract, it should be inspected thoroughly.

Hand-written prompts animate onto the skin, encouraging viewers to rethink what they had once considered a guarantee.

Audiences are invited to look closer before they sign the dotted line, reflect on what it is they think they know about their cosmetic procedure, and are reminded that when it comes to cosmetic surgery the journey is just as important as the destination.

Role: Art Director, Editor (Case Study)