Twenty 20: A Wonky Retrospective


As many agencies do when it comes to year-end, Ogilvy wanted to create publication that summed up for their clients exactly what the year had brought to the world of advertising, consumers, and popular culture.

It just so happened that this year was 2020 – the most bizarre of all years in recent memory. It was a year of “new normals”, powerful cultural influences, but also instances of people coming together to find joy in the face of adversity. Featuring everything from murder hornets and UFOs, to Cardi B anthems and the Mike Pence Fly, 2020 was a strange year, almost as though it had been plucked from a child’s wildest imagination. So our end-of-year wrap up was populated with innocent child-like illustrations and was designed to be just as quirky, unique, and rough around the edges as 2020 was.

Role: Art Director / Illustrator / Designer

 To promote our wrap-up, we created social assets that featured our little illustrations, animating in a fashion just as wonky as their meaning.

To promote our wrap-up, we created social assets that featured our little illustrations, animating in a fashion just as wonky as their meaning.

Our wonky retrospective was well received, earning an engagement rate of 64% on LinkedIn.